Latest Mobile Statisitcs

Mobile Marketing Keeps Growing

  • The U.S. has the second highest number of mobile subscribers in the world with 172 million (China is first with 270 million). Smart phones account for 48% of those subscriptions (Mary Meeker, Analyst at KPCB, 12/2012).
  • 29% of U.S. Adults own a tablet or eReader (like a Kindle) — up from 2% in 2009 (Mary Meeker, Analyst at KPCB, 12/2012).
  • 24% of online shopping on Black Friday 2012 in the U.S. came from mobile devices + tablets — up from 6% in 2010. Traffic from iOS (Apple devices) was 4X that of devices using the Android platform (Mary Meeker, Analyst at KPCB, 12/2012).
  • India-on-Internet-201560% of iOS users are on latest operating system, iOS6, which enables Apple Passbook (C|Net, 10/2012).
  • 74% of U.S. smartphone owners get real-time, location-based information on their phones as of February 2012, up from 55% in May 2011 (Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project, 5/2012).
  • 18% of U.S. smartphone owners are using geosocial services like foursquare to check in to certain places and share their location with friends, up from 12% in 2011 (Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project, 5/2012).
  • U.S. users of both location-aware services as well as geosocial services skew more female than male — 75% to 73%/20% to 17%. They also have higher household incomes — 79% have HH incomes of $75,000+. And more education — 79% are college grad or above (Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project, 5/2012).
  • User stats for key platforms as of 1/3/2013
  • Facebook – 1.2B users globally, 168.8M in the U.S. Of those, 54% of global users access Facebook via mobile (socialbakers, 1/2013).
  • Instagram – 45M monthly average users globally (AppData 1/2013).
  • Twitter – 500M users globally, 140M in U.S. 60% of those users access Twitter via Mobile (VentureBeat, 7/2012 | AllThingsD, 6/2012).
  • Foursquare – 25M users globally (Foursquare, 9/2012).