QR Codes can make your business fun for mobile users

You have seen them around, perhaps you have scanned one, two, or a couple of dozen. You know what I’m talking about, those black and white, square barcodes things that look like they are from the Matrix. You know, QR Codes. You have seen them, you have scanned them, but what are they?

qrQR Codes, also known as Quick Response Codes, were originally created in 1994 for the automotive industry in Japan. Today you can find them nearly everywhere: your coffee cup, in magazines, bus stops, the list goes on and on. Scanning a QR Code could do a number of things: take you to a mobile website, open an image, get vCard information, and the list goes on and on with that as well. As mobile marketing evolves we see the QR Code evolve.

Tottiko now offers custom made QR codes, like the one you see on the left. You can get the custom QR codes separately, but it is also part of the Deluxe Mobile Website Package.